Posts tagged - psychiatry

Stress, Confront and Drugs

confidence pixabayStress comes about through not facing something that needs facing. Confront is a good term, one definition means “to face without flinching or avoiding.” That which you can face, you can handle. Let’s say someone at work is giving you a hard time, and you try to be nice, but no dice, the hard times continue with that person attempting to undermine you, trip you up, point out your failings.

Stress builds up, you avoid that person, feel nervous or angry when he or she is around, etc. Go to a psych and you’ll be given some kind of medication.

Confronting, on the other hand, would most likely mean you walk up to that person and ask what’s up, why are they giving you a hard time? At that precise moment, you have gone from being effect, to being cause, and even if the person attacks you verbally, you are going to feel better. You stood up to them, you’ve pushed through whatever obstacles that stood in your way, gone “outside your comfort zone,” and changed the game.

Recently, many women have begun to confront the fact that men have abused them. They felt in some cases that they couldn’t face their abusers or take them to task — for inappropriate behavior, or even rape in some cases — as it would harm their careers, look like they participated, embroil them in ugly court cases, etc. Now it is all coming out, the confront is on, and while the accused are innocent until proved guilty, it looks like things are changing in the sexual harassment front. Women are speaking out.

Bullying bothers parents, and they get very upset when their children are bullied. They change schools, put the kids on anti-depressants, etc. That’s not confront, that’s backing off, and that is bound to increase stress. Only facing up to the perpetrator will put one at cause.

When I was in third grade, my father sent me over to a neighbor who had been a boxer. He had two kids about my age, and taught us to fight. Martial arts training is a good thing for kids to learn. Cowardice only makes one a target of the bullies, and even if they are bigger, standing up to them is the only way to gain any space or grudging respect.

And by the way, most martial arts don’t encourage aggression.  If you have the skills to defend yourself, you are more able to confront the bully. If necessary you can defend yourself, but it’s not usually necessary. Someone standing up to a bully is often enough to cause the bully to back off and look for another, less self-assured target. However, in these days of gangs and drug-induced psychosis, running away may be the most sane thing to do, but with self assurance it can be a decision rather than a frightened reaction and that makes a big difference.

The danger comes in not facing something or someone. Hiding out from a bill collector rather than looking for a second job, telling everyone, “I’m dyslexic” instead of buckling down and learning to read.

OK, right about now I can imagine some protests that dyslexia, ADHD, ADD etc. etc. are real disorders. But assuming they were real, who would make the best progress, the person who throws up his hands says he has this brain disorder and there’s nothing he can do except take his medication, or the person who does whatever he can to overcome it?

I hear people quite often in social settings say that were diagnosed with depression, or dyslexia or they have an eating disorder, etc. etc. Why do they announce it to people in a social setting? Probably because they have incorporated that supposed disability into the way they define themselves – it is part of how they see themselves. And at the exact moment they make that decision, they have crippled themselves by agreeing to that disabled label.

In a talk-only counseling session, that’s a different matter, and those statements can be very helpful to the process. But announcing some disability in a social setting is not helpful and is an invalidation of self.

Depending on your view of life, religion or philosophical background, one might look at human beings  as the tip of a long line of genetic and spiritual development, living in a time of great efforts to ensure fairness and equality, in perhaps the most affluent society the world has ever known. And yet you see bedraggled men and women with exaggerated limps looking for handouts at traffic lights carrying signs appealing for money, sleeping under bridges wrapped in garbage bags as if they were human garbage.

Nobody is perfect, and there are sick and insane people struggling to survive, but most likely you aren’t one of them, so stop acting like it.

If somebody told you that you were stupid, you would probably get angry, and tell them off. But if you go into agreement with some diagnosis of mental disability, you must have decided “Yes, there’s something wrong with me, it explains why I can’t do things, and I should just give up and take my meds.”

That’s the problem with psychology and psychiatry, they have the basic belief that everyone is mentally ill or disabled, and if you find yourselves in their hands expect to be given a prescription and a gold-plated excuse to not confront something.

This “disabled stuff” is an invitation to curl up and die. Pride in oneself is not a bad thing, it is much more you than humility, self-invalidation and a self-endorsed disability. If you look at life as a game, an adventure, a spiritual quest, you won’t be far wrong.

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Could the Guys With Tinfoil on their Heads be Right?

crazy pixabayHey, maybe the guys with tinfoil on their heads are right! We discovered recently that the NSA was tapping our phones, reading our e-mails and using facial identification and license plate cameras to track our whereabouts. And now for those who object to that and are labeled paranoid by the headshrinkers, there’s a new Abilify pill that reports in from the stomach.

I guess it’s for those guys who can hide pills under their tongues and it’s too much trouble for junior headshrinkers to get out the tongue depressor and go looking. As could be expected, however, worries surfaced that Abilify patients who may be paranoid for some reason might get worse knowing that there’s a little pill in their stomach reporting in saying something like”I’ve been swallowed.”

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Psychedelics Are Back, and They Cure Everything!

freakout pixabayHave you noticed the promotion of psychedelics recently? Since most Baby Boomer druggies can’t remember the 1960s, many have forgotten – except in vivid flashbacks – the downside of dropping acid and lots of other psychedelic concoctions. Little things like hallucinations and going nuts for a while or forever, and “scorched brain syndrome.”

Timothy Leary told us to “turn on, tune in and drop out,” but later said that LSD got into the public arena and was abused. Poor guy, he had it all figured out that it would only be used by PhDs and above, and then the unwashed masses got hold of it and used it to hallucinate. The CIA used it to drive soldiers crazy and to suicide, and stupid people who grew up watching Superman thought they could fly off tall buildings wearing meat bodies.

OK, so that was then. Today we also have stupid people – who exist in every generation – telling us that LSD, Ahuasca, DMT and other psychedelic substances can cure addiction, PTSD, depression,   anxiety, eating disorders, smoking, OCD, crime, toe fungus, warts,  and every other mental illness formerly treated by pharmaceuticals which have proven ineffective or for which the patents have expired.

But using LSD, for example on those with mental illness can make things worse, according to some sources Stupid people in academia — there are such people, after all Leary was a Harvard professor –  in the military, medicine, psychiatry and government seem to have decided that psychedelics, electroshock and mental health pharmaceuticals are useful, at least to the extent that “we don’t know why they are troubled, and we don’t know what these treatments do, so we’ll just roll the dice, blast their brains  with electricity or pickle them with drugs and see what happens. After all, this isn’t rocket science.”

So a bunch of states have legalized marijuana for medical use, and eight states have legalized it for recreational use. And as evidence it is truly a “gateway drug” small amounts of hard drugs have now been decriminalized in Oregon – stuff like  LSD, heroin, methamphetamine, etc, and initiatives are under way in California  and Oregon to legalize psychedelic mushrooms.

Now the The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies  (MAPS) is also trying to legalize psychedelics and marijuana, and other stupid people are already hard at work on legislation to legalize bad trips and drug-induced psychosis. With all these extravagant claims for psychedelics, these magical mystery cures, one might be advised to consider where these wild claims are coming from and who stands to profit from a nation on drugs.

After all, most of the studies, that all these reports of wonderfulness depend on, can’t be reproduced, meaning they are either sloppy or influenced by their funding to get a specific result. So look for yourself and don’t go dropping acid to cheer up, because you may end up stuck in Nightmare Town with a lot of burnouts from the 1960s.

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Hey, Addiction is a Brain Disease and “IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!”

drugs pixabayAccording to a statement on the Betty Ford Foundation website, and many other sources, addiction is a brain disease, not a character flaw. This “brain disease model” may be promoted by well-meaning people who have addicted loved ones, but it’s not accurate, just a PR concept, with no scientific evidence whatsoever. But search “addiction is a brain disease” and the Internet is full of people who bought into the lie, claiming that’s the way it is. Opioid addiction, sex addiction, food addiction, Internet addiction, porn addiction, it’s the new fashion statement to be addicted to one or more things that are just too big and strong for little old you to overcome, you poor thing.

Psychiatrists dreamed up this idea to make money and to get more people under their control. First they cozied up to traditional medicine to seem more official, and while psychiatrists have medical degrees, that’s just cover for voodoo head-bump crystal-vibration nonsense that is modern psychiatry and psychopharmacology.

They like to use diabetes, as an example of why drug abusers are so helpless. “It’s something that happens to your body, you can’t do anything about it, it’s not a moral failing, and it requires a drug for the rest of your life.” A drug which — just like all those street drugs out there — were produced by BigPharma.

So if you are drug addicted, it’s not your fault, you can’t help it, it’s your body’s fault, probably something you got from your parents via their DNA. And did I say “IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!”

Along with this brain disease model is the hint of a protected class of citizens who are not responsible for their condition. Drug addicts – I can see it coming – are not responsible for their condition and need care at public expense for the rest of their life, because, after all, it’s a brain disease and IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT.

Well, I beg to differ. Anytime something you do – like knocking over liquor stores to feed your heroin habit, or injecting opioids or cooking meth in your spare room and screaming at people who aren’t there — you are killing yourself, endangering people around you and filling your neighborhood with crazy, amped up psychos who break into houses and shoot people who they think are going to kill them. THAT IS YOUR FAULT YOU JERK!

It’s not your body, it’s the choices and you’ve made them. The choices that led you down back alleys where needles litter the street,  and now you – and all the “brain disease model apologists for drugs and drug abusers” are determined to “reduce the stigma” and engage in “harm reduction” where you don’t get arrested for creating all this chaos, but instead you are swaddled into the caring arms of psychiatrists who will put you on methadone maintenance at public expense, or some of the new psychedelic drugs which means all those people who actually work at real jobs, creating useful products and services for society will pay for your treatment for the rest of your useless and non-productive life.

You can’t change your body, but you can change your mind. If you listen to the psychs they don’t give you a ghost of a chance to dig yourself out and you’ll just keep using street drugs, psych drugs, all kinds of deadly crap, until you overdose and die, and the psychs will shake their heads sadly and say they need more money to treat poor sorry-ass drug addicts like you who need sympathy and drugs to live.  Oh, and let’s get rid of the “stigma” of addiction, because after all it’s a brain disease and IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!

One thing about sympathy? It’s deadly. It’s an agreement from others that you are a sad little nobody. It will suck the life out of you, kill your own ability to push through obstacles. It makes a basically good spiritual being think they get love and help only when they are pathetic.

The psychs won’t tell you this, but you are a basically good spiritual being, who’s been through hell and back. You are tough, you’re still here and you can change your life. It’s not destiny that determines your future, it’s the choices you make. So stop whining and get busy cleaning up. It’s not easy, the drugs make you a slave and you have to do courageous things to break those chains and escape.

And forget about suicide, death doesn’t help. You come back the same spirit you were, with the same temptations, same vices, the same choices in front of you. Different body, different DNA, and it’s not the body that will make or break you. It’s not a chemical imbalance or some phony brain disease, it’s those stupid choices you make.

So stop blaming your body, your parents, the horrible and evil and terrible society that drives you to drink or use meth or some other crap you snort, eat, inject, smoke or cram up your ass. If you want to be a slave there are lots of others out there who will be happy to make you one. You can commiserate, share needles, give each other AIDS and hepatitis and die in some piss-stinking alley feeling really sorry for yourself. Or you can get well you sorry-ass addict and start helping other people — that’s the way out.

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Hillary Clinton: Teach Reading, Writing and Mental Health

Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton wants a nationwide curriculum to teach depression and anxiety in high schools, according to Modern Healthcare. New York is already plowing ahead on mental health, as last year Gov. Cuomo already mandated the inclusion of  mental health issues in the curriculum.

But hold on a minute. Already, 3.4 million New York State residents are functionally illiterate  – many the product of dysfunctional public schools. But many schools now provide food, counseling, contraception, “life skills” like cooperation, self-control, motivation, and other so-called “soft skills.” And next year they begin training on mental health. Perhaps if public schools taught reading, writing and arithmetic really well, students would become literate and productive adults, and wouldn’t need to be medicated with psych drugs.

Because, you see, all this talk about mental health for children is nothing more than a marketing scheme to get them on  psychiatric pharmaceuticals, so those BigPharma CEOs can get even richer.

In 2013, around 8 million school kids were on psychiatric drugs  but there are still lots of kids out there who are “underserved” as they say, and Teenscreen for example, was funded by BigPharma and designed to get kids on stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall and  into the psychiatric pill-mill.

Education is already a mile wide and an inch deep, a swamp of social programming and political correctness. There are good teachers out there, but the social agenda is against them. Homeschooling, charter schools, check them out and whatever you do, keep your kids away from the psychs!

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Army Will Now Accept Mental Cases, Train Them to Kill

sniperThe Army is expanding the system of waivers whereby people with mental disorders can join the military. Waivers were cancelled in 2009 when too many soldiers committed suicide, but hey, now they are a bit short of recruits and thus relaxing the standards. According to USA Today, people with a history of drug use, poor aptitude test scores, self mutilation and bipolar disorders aren’t necessarily barred from military service.

Now though, the military has better medical records, and we all know that psychiatrists and psych meds have everything under control. Just ask military psychiatrist Nidal Hasan who shot up Fort Hood and murdered 13 people and injured 30 others. And there’s pretty good evidence of a connection between psych meds and mass shootings.

Half a million vets already have PTSD according to one source and PTSD is exacerbated by stress, trauma and sexual assault. So if you wanted to create a huge spike in military PTSD, murders, sexual assaults and general chaos, you might induct a bunch of men, women, gays, and transexuals with mental disorders and drug abuse histories into the military, give them weapons, train them to kill, then send them off to some combat zone. If this sounds nuts to you, go take a happy pill and in the upside down world of mental health, you will soon be right as rain.

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Take the Poison and the Antidote and Call Me in the Morning

death pixabayBigPharma is busily creating poisons and antidotes, and making big bucks on both. The latest is Ingrezza, an antidote for tardive dyskinesia, caused by antipsychotic medications. Tardive dyskinesia causes uncontrollable motions of face and body such as sticking out the tongue, waving the arms, moving the lips and so on. Often it’s permanent. One of the problems with Ingrezza is “somnolence” so it can put you to sleep and you might snore, but hopefully your arms will stop waving and your mouth will stop moving. With lots of research, BigPharma will soon have some kind of speed-type stuff to handle that sleepy side-effect stuff. And a 30-count bottle of 40mg Ingrezza tablets will cost you – or the taxpayers if you have some kind of universal health coverage – about $5,275.

Other examples of the poison/antidote paradigm are all the street drugs – which were all invented by BigPharma – and now with medication assisted treatment, addicts get off the illegal street drug poisons and get onto the prescription medication antidotes like methadone, which are really actually poisons themselves, but at least they are billable under Medicaid and insurance and BigPharma can profit from them unlike the street drugs they invented but can no longer monetize.

But as the rehab people can tell you, methadone is an opioid which is actually harder to kick than heroin, as it takes longer to metabolize. Luckily, the psychiatrists have already decreed that addiction is a chronic disease, just exactly like diabetes, for example, and so lifelong medication assisted treatment is prescribed. So there’s little danger of addicts, or patients as they are now called, getting off the stuff for good, unless they die, and BigPharma has a drug to prevent that.

Somewhere  along the way, when the poisons/antidotes/poisons get too much for the body, BigPharma has a real antidote called Naloxone or Narcan that shuts off the effects of opioids temporarily and allows the addict/patient to begin breathing again. It doesn’t stop the addiction – which, as you will recall, is officially a lifelong disease – so poison antidote Narcan, poison, antidote, Narcan will likely continue until death of the addict/patient.

IMHO, BigPharma should be required to do amends on all the poisonous crap they have poured into the public bloodstream, by funding drug rehab centers around the country that have as a product a person stably off all drugs. In addition, Congress could implement this 12-step program to get America off drugs. Maybe then we could get back to a real life where drugs are only for real diseases.

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Are You Conservative? Blame your Brain

Political psychiatry is nothing new in the world, or even in the United States. Every dictator or crackpot ruler who wishes to invalidate his opposition will claim said opposition is psychotic. Why would anyone of sound mind seek to undermine such a workers’ paradise and such a benevolent and caring Dear Leader?

The old Soviet Union slapped a “crazy” label on political dissidents and sent them away to psychiatric prisons. And in the U.S. the so-called “Siberia Bill” of 1956 would have established a million-acre psychiatric reservation in Alaska with very loose commitment procedures. And last year, Russia was locking Crimean Tatars up in psychiatric hospitals.

Last year an NPR Morning Edition segment titled “Hidden Factors in your Brain Help to Shape Beliefs on Income Inequality” cited some research studies that purport to show opinions are simply a matter of brain function. It is a rather short leap from that statement to “The people who believe X are crazy. The people who believe Y are sane.”

So according to this research, opinions are the result of brain function. The study compares “egalitarian thinking” (which is good) with “hierarchical thinking” (which is bad.) Drunks like hierarchical thinking, according to the story, and the drunker they are the more hierarchical they are. The more evolved they are, the more egalitarian (which is good, remember) and thus more sane. So people with hierarchical opinions – Republicans for example – are apelike cretins which is proved by research, remember, and only Democrats are highly evolved and caring.

So the conclusions one is left with, is that people who tolerate income inequality – where productive people can become wealthy providing useful products and services while bums who produce nothing of value stay relatively poor– are insane and have something wrong with their brains.

Now that we have established a “brain based” cause-and-effect relationship for political opinion, we can perhaps begin to “normalize” those hierarchical brains out there for their own good, give them pharmaceuticals, electroshock, the new brain implants being tested by DARPApsychedelic drugs and other mental health “treatments.”

And of course, recently a number of psychs violated the Goldwater Rule — which prohibits shrinks from diagnosing people they’ve not personally met and obtained permission to publicize their findings — and decided in their vast wisdom that President Trump is crazy.

Putting aside the fact that the people of the United States elected him President, the head shrinkers would love to have the authority to decree this or that person crazy, as it would put them in charge — and power is something they’ve lusted for. Or perhaps they could examine candidates for office and say: “let this one run” and “institutionalize that one.”

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The Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Railroad

robot pixabayYou take 200 depressed people, implant wires into their brains. Half of the implants you charge with electricity, half you don’t, to get a good control group. Results? A flop, but some people want to keep the implants after the test. Why? Well, as studies have established, depressed people feel better when people ask them how they feel, with a live person running their fingers through those wires in the head. Ethics aside, the big question is – who will pay for these implants, the follow ups, the flashlight batteries, and after the subject’s demise the autopsy, brain slicing and microscopy?

The patients won’t be paying, because as psychiatry transitions from pharmaceuticals that don’t work to implants that won’t work (electroceuticals they are called) bigpharma needs trillion-dollar revenues to overcome generic drug competition, expiring patents, the gradually rising specter of drug side effects such as mass murder, and basically, the fact that popular drugs like antidepressants don’t work, or work only because of “the placebo effect.” And to fund this transition we’re talking big money, that can only come from Medicare, the Veterans Administration, insurance companies or best of all, a single-payer health care system that operates on “from each according to ability, to each according to need.”

This is the beginning, IMHO, of a drive to get deep brain implants, and their cousins, “transcranial magnetic stimulation” paid for not as freaky science experiments but as legitimate treatments for mental and physical disorders. And that means some big bucks, in the “Trillion-with-a-T” range. In exchange, perhaps we can one day plug into our computers and learn to play the piano or dance the tethered tango.

In the meantime, to get us accustomed to the idea, we’re already implanting RFID dog-tracking chips in people for their own good and to give them immediate access to buy stuff from the snack machine, login to computers and use pay toilets. It’s like those spy movies where the guy — to get off the grid — must dig a tracking chip out of his arm with a steak knife.

First to get the implants will be guys with big federal government pockets. Veterans with VA benefits and PTSD, most likely, on lifetime subscription plans paid for by adding to our Chinese debt. Anyway, we’re being railroaded down the track of bad ideas fueled by good sci-fi movies. And – I have to do this – as the Borg always said, “resistance is futile.

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The Opioid Crisis: A BigPharma Marketing Scheme?

There’s lots of attention now on treating opioid addicts. In the news this week, FDA Commissioner  Scott Gottlieb said that the government would focus on Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) to help all the addicts hooked on opioids. But not everybody likes that idea.

“If we’re just substituting one opioid for another,” said Former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, in the same news article. “We’re not moving the dial much.” Price may have been referring to the idea – pushed by psychiatrists and pharmaceutical firms  – that addiction is a lifelong mental disease, and needs lifelong “treatment” with other opioids manufactured and sold by BigPharma. One hooked person is a lifelong customer, regardless of whether the addiction began on the street or in a doctor’s office.

Big pharma created heroin (Bayer) and LSD (Sandoz). Merck pioneered the commercial manufacture of morphine, distributed cocaine and invented MDMA. OxyContin which started the latest “opioid crisis” was created by German scientists and pushed into society by Purdue Pharma. Crystal meth was first created in Japan and after World War II Abbott Laboratories won FDA approval for meth as a remedy for alcoholism and weight gain. Fentanyl, responsible for the majority of opioid overdose deaths, was invented by Janssen Pharmaceutica.

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)  takes people addicted to heroin, for example, and switches them to legal pharmaceutical products such as methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. So much for the poison.

BigPharma also markets the antidote. A drug to use in cases of opioid overdose, called Naloxone  (Also called Narcan and Evzio).  Thousands of first responders, doctors, and family members of addicts or those on opioid pain relievers now carry this opioid antidote. The cost of a dose just jumped from $575  to about $4,500 according to Wired Magazine, and has a shelf life of 18-24 months.

So poison plus antidote, it’s all good if you’re BigPharma. Create all the nasty drugs to hook people, get your reps to push prescription opioids, hook thousands, create a crisis, and divert the addicts to Medication Assisted Treatment on other opioids you can bill insurance for. The ones that overdose, give them a $4500 shot of Naloxone and keep them alive and using.

And since drug addiction is a mental disease, the psychs get in on the fun as well, prescribing shrink meds that have lots of side effects like mass shootings, after which psychs can offer counseling in the form of more prescriptions. And now that marijuana legalization is spreading, the psychs have conveniently discovered that smoking weed creates psychosis, which needs treatment, pharmaceuticals, etc. And down the rabbit hole we go.


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