Posts tagged - Electroshock

Electroshock and My Dog Squid

SquidI have a dog we named Squid, because he has long turned up feet, a bit like the Squidward character in Spongebob Squarepants. Squid was in and out of the shelter at least three times by the time we got him. His problem seemed to be that he was very friendly and affectionate, liked to be held, and all the things that make a pet dog desirable, but if you accidentally stepped on his tail or his foot, or if someone accidentally pulled is hair, he’d turn on the offender with a growl. And if he was on the couch and you tried to push him over, he’d turn on you and growl.

Well, here’s this perfectly friendly animal but suddenly he’s threatening, so back to the dog pound, especially if there were kids.

When we got Squid we realized he occasionally had seizures, or epilepsy. His whole body would stiffen up, his feet would jerk and tremble, and he’d vacate his bowels and throw up. So as soon as I would see him stiffen up and start to tremble, I’d move him from the carpet to the hardwood floor to make cleanup easier. It wasn’t hard to move him, he was as rigid as a piece of wood.

It wasn’t very long, however, before he was afraid of the hardwood floor.  We had to put a carpet runner in the hall to get him to walk down to the bedroom at night. And we had to put his food bowl on the carpet, as he’d refuse to walk across the kitchen floor to eat.

He had another seizure while he was drinking from his water bowl, and from then on, he was afraid of the bowl. We changed bowls, tried turning off the lights, but he would bark until he got an escort to stand by him while he drank his water.

Squid is otherwise not a timid dog, and has — when harassed by big dogs – snarled and held his ground. But anything associated with a seizure – such as his water bowl or hardwood floors – terrifies him.

Seizures can be caused by a number of things. Brain lesions, electrical shock, high fevers, or too much insulin for example. Psychiatrists think that inducing a seizure by electricity (called ECT for electroconvulsive therapy) or insulin shock, will alleviate certain kinds of mental illness.

Cerletti's original electroshock machine adapted from a slaughterhouse pig-shocker. Photo by Francesca.pallone

Cerletti’s original electroshock machine adapted from a slaughterhouse pig-shocker. Photo by Francesca.pallone

That stupid idea started when Ugo Cerletti watched pigs being shocked to prepare them for butchering. The shock caused the pigs to seizure and fall down, so it was easy to cut their throats. Cerletti, for some reason, thought this might be a way to treat mental illness, and developed the first ECT machine.

I was in a writing group with a woman who wrote very funny stories, but she had some troubles and received a course of ECT. After that she continued to write but she was no longer funny. Another writer, Ernest Hemingway, had a series of 20 electroshocks, went home, put a shotgun in his mouth and blew the top of his head off. So as a writer, I wasn’t very excited about ECT.

So if causing seizures — such as I witnessed with Squid — is supposed to cure anything, I’m not buying. He’s as crabby as ever if you step on him or try to push him off the couch, but he’s terrified of anything remotely connected to seizures. Those seizures did not remove any mental disturbances from him, they added compulsions and terror.

What worked with Squid was affinity, getting down on the floor and playing with him, talking to him during the day, using “watch out” to get him to move out of the way and something called a nerve assist which stops the seizure very quickly and gets him back to normal.

Recently the FDA reduced the threat level of ECT a notch to make it easier to use it on kids. Don’t buy it, it’s not a therapy at all, it’s like kicking you in the head and hoping you’ll be smarter afterward. You’ll be stupider and boots will terrify you.

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The Drug Addiction Crisis is Your Fault

Uncle Sam PixabayBy now, everyone is convinced we are in a drug-addiction crisis, and there’s plenty of blame to go around. Such as pharmaceutical companies that invented street drugs to begin with. Bayer once touted heroin for headaches,  Abbott Labs promoted methamphetamine as a remedy for alcoholism, Sandoz invented LSD, Merc invented morphine, distributed cocaine, and invented MDMA, and Purdue convinced doctors to prescribe OxyCodone for pain by assuring them that chances of addiction were very slim. And we can blame the doctors who ignored evidence to the contrary.

We can point the finger at pharmacies that order thousands more opioids than will be needed and fill prescriptions far above what makes sense. Pharmaceutical distributors that ignore huge orders for opioids from small pharmacies, and pressure legislators to pass bills that make the DEA impotent to enforce existing rules. DEA and FDA executives who jump ship to work for big pharma at huge increases in salary so they can help build strategies to circumvent legal restrictions on their activities. Psychiatrists and physicians who take money from big pharma and go on to promote medication assisted treatment not for detoxification, but as a permanent opioid-fueled future which will benefit pharmaceutical firms and their stockholders, who put addicts on naloxone and methadone which is much harder to detox than heroin, but has the advantage of diverting money from the street drug dealer to the pharmaceutical drug dealers and their investors. The pharmaceutical companies who invent drugs to block addiction to all but their own drugs, that block death on the street and then – aping the strategies of the most venial drug pushers – raise the prices multiple times, crying that “shortages exist, you’d better hurry!” Correctional institutions who embrace medication assisted treatment to medicate inmates instead of using incarceration as a period of drying out for later life, and did anyone mention investors in big pharma stocks because wow, riches await from more and more addicts using more and more pharmaceuticals?

And there’s plenty of blame for all those judges, doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists who help close the gap between prescription drugs and street drugs. For the military exhuming the abominations of MKULTRA by experimenting on those with PTSD, trying a little of this LSD, a little of that marijuana, some wires in the brain – who knows? We might find a way to create a new and better Manchurian Candidate, make robots out of soldiers, make mass murderers out of troubled spirits. And we can blame “non-profit organizations” like the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, who are spurring interest in using drugs to swap neuroses for outright insanity, organizations who secretly channel millions to legalize marijuana, to companies like Coca-Cola which once contained cocaine for a little boost, which is now going back to its roots, putting marijuana in its product. We can blame the legislators who get swept along in this tsunami of cash and influence, passing bills and listening to drug pushers in suits who convince them that it’s all good, and “here’s a little donation for your next campaign.” Psychiatrists who contend that everyone is basically nuts, so a little drug, a little electroshock, a little wire in the brain certainly couldn’t make you any worse…

But for all the blame to hand around, what about you? Do you know people who have their kids on speed (called ADHD medication by the shrinks)? Do you have a family member who is using marijuana or drinking too much? Are you on an anti-depressant because you feel bad sometimes? Do you get drunk on the weekends to unwind, or smoke a little weed, because after all, it’s legal now? Is your aged mother on “happy pills” so she won’t complain so much about the food, the loss of independence, the minimum-wage helpers telling her what to do in her assisted living facility? Do you nod sympathetically at people who start every conversation with “I’m ADHD” or “Since I was diagnosed with PTSD,” or “I’ve been depressed for some time now.”?

So what are you doing to help make things better? Is it all too big for you? Are you just one person? Are you in agreement with those who try to make addicts poor victims of the system? Who say that addiction, mental illness, criminality is all just a brain disease, not a choice, that we are all just victims of circumstance? We should all just go down the drain together and let the greatest country the world has ever seen evaporate like bong smoke.

Well, grow a pair why don’t you? Do something useful. Someone says. “I’ve got ADHD,” you can retort, “Who gave you that idea?” Someone says “I’m on an anti-depressant,” you can reply “What can you do to handle the situation that’s depressing you?” Someone says “marijuana is legal now, so it’s fine,” you say “So now the government has your best interests – and the taxes on weed – at heart?” Be blunt, invalidate those stupid ideas and self-victimization. Stigma is a good thing – it might help deter a kid thinking about drinking, or using meth or shooting up. Might keep him or her from ending up as a shit-stained twist of laundry in an alley somewhere, or a numbed-out methadone or pharmaceutical junkie for the rest of his or her life.

Do you vote a straight Democratic or Republican ticket, because you’re too lazy to read the voter guide? Or just not vote because there’s nothing you can do about it? Find out who’s taking money from big pharma, from the American Psychiatric Association, from the American Medical Association, the PACs and special interests and vote against them. Vote for those you think might not be in step with a stupider society.

Support religion and spiritual awareness and don’t fall for the efforts to pit one group against another. Support groups that help families, that repair marriages, that support kids and adoption and good education and a prosperous future – and beware of the “everybody-will-agree-with-this” PR and feel-good empty words of the campaign trail. Evaluate the politically correct movements to see if they lead to a better life and a better society, if they do, join, and if they don’t, oppose them even if you get hammered for it on social media.

There’s an old statement to the effect that “You get the government you deserve.” Look at what we’re getting and take some responsibility for it. It’s up to you not to your neighbors or your representatives. The left, the right, the middle, all political stripes have their own agendas, their own railroad tracks leading to their own little utopias. Do you want to travel with them? They make it easy, and they will appeal to your stupider self that thinks life consists of food, sleep and sex, and getting high can handle the rest, all funded by insurance, by taxes on “the fat-cat one percent” or the tiny fines on multi-billion-dollar drug firms.

So what can you do? Join up with effective organizations fighting stupidity and drug-induced dreaming not doing. Check out Foundation for a Drug-Free World, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights and other effective anti-drug and anti-stupidity groups. Sure, the organizations I mentioned above are related to the Church of Scientology, and all the crap you’ve heard about Scientology? It’s a measure of just how effective these organizations are in enlightening people on the drug and psychiatric agenda. Those lies and smears in the media? A badge of honor. If they were ineffective, they would be ignored by the psych-drug-media cartel, or perhaps even supported by it.

OK, so this mess is not all your fault, but if everyone woke up and went into action, this drugged-up country could reboot and get back to some basic principles. There are 21 of those principles, and here’s a link to them. Good luck.

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The Medicalizing of America

Photo by Benjamin Combs on Unsplash

Photo by Benjamin Combs on Unsplash

I’ve been plowing through news feeds for a few months now, and the issues I’m interested in – which focus on the spreading influence of BigPharma, psychiatry and the medication of America – have sort of settled into a number of issues. Here are some of the more prominent ones:

1.   The marketing of psychedelic drugs to cure most everything from depression to crime. The Military is pushing it, as well as anonymous donations to the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). LSD is good for you, magic mushrooms are a spiritual tonic, and taking psychedelic trips will make you a good person, empty the prisons, and you can tune in, turn on and drop out like last time.

2.   Along with number 1 above, is the first official admission that anti-depressants are no more effective than placebos and have wildly variant effects on individuals. One in six Americans takes an antidepressant, and about $150 billion is spent per year on such medications and related costs. So BigPharma will take a huge hit unless alternatives such as psychedelics and electroceuticals take hold.

3.   Electroceuticals, the implanting of electrical devices into the brain to deliver electricity or drugs, are back – back from MKULTRA where they were covertly tested on unwitting subjects along with other stuff like LSD as a way to brainwash people and control their behavior. This time it’s out in the open – credit Wikileaks and the revelations about NSA spying for that – under cover of “this will help you.” Might be of some use in Parkinson’s disease, but now the claims are that it cures everything, and BigPharma, like GlaxoSmithKline and the military are funding research in microshocking brains directly or through magnetic stimulation. Electroshock of the type seen in “One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest” is also back, with the FDA recently lowering the risk factor so children can have their brains zapped too.

4.   Legalization of marijuana began with medical marijuana and transitioned to what we all knew it was for — to get high. Liberal billionaires such as George Soros funded state legalization efforts even though Democrats have mostly stayed silent and let the potheads carry the ball. Liberals want the tax money for social programs, conservatives want the tax money for war, and so opposition has been wimpy. With THC at over 30 percent – up from 3 percent in the 1960s – marijuana induced paranoia and mental illness is on the rise which will be a windfall for the shrinks. Meanwhile, BigPharma is gearing up to produce marijuana, LSD, and so forth. They’ll drop the prices to squeeze out the competition, then control the formerly-illicit-but-now-FDA-approved drug market.

5.   On the tail of marijuana legalization are other measures to mainstream hard drugs through “harm reduction” “decriminalization” and outright legalization. Turns out marijuana was a “gateway drug” and the marketing always starts with “The war on drugs has been lost,” which is a lie. Just turns out that drugs are big money and government wants in on the trillion-dollar BigPharma economy. If it really heats up like it did in Colombia, BigPharma and lots of Pablo Escobar lookalikes will end up running the United States. Some states are going to use the tax money for drug treatment programs which leads to number 6:

6.   “Medication Assisted Treatment” is now being heavily promoted as a treatment for addictions of all kinds: opioid addiction, sex addiction, videogame addiction, food addiction, ad infinitum. And while most of these addictions don’t exist, the psychs say addiction is a chronic brain disease and there’s no cure so addicts must be put on other drugs like methodone, which are paid for by medical insurance, and maintained on those drugs for the rest of their lives. So BigPharma, — which controls the FDA and will soon control Congress, the POTUS, political PACs and so on – will control the solution to the problem of addiction.

7.   The polarization of politics, fights of religious freedom vs. gender equity, and other nasty infighting will most likely be resolved when the parties stirring it up are uncovered, but in the meantime, the stirring up is most likely a distraction to pull attention away from the medicalizing of America and the growth of BigPharma, the psychs and the economic systems fueling it.

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What BigPharma Learned from Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar By Colombian National Police - Colombia National Registry; Colombian National Police, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

Pablo Escobar By Colombian National Police – Colombia National Registry; Colombian National Police, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

Suppose you were Pablo Escobar, the Columbian drug lord, back in the 1970s and wanted to increase cocaine’s market share. How would you proceed, what strategies would you use, what kind of activities would fill up your “to do” list?

While the coca leaf had been used for centuries by Native Americans of the Andes as a stimulant that wasn’t really a very lucrative market, so expanding into a rich country was a bright idea.

Item 1 On Pablo Escobar’s To Do List: Get Rich Americans Using Cocaine. Well, back in the 1800s Albert Niemann – a German chemist who also invented mustard gas – isolated the really strong stuff from the coca leaf and cocaine was used for surgery and to treat morphine addiction. It was the medication assisted treatment of the day: treat an addiction with another addictive drug. So what followed were wild claims of cocaine’s curative powers, a pick me up, added to all kinds of patent medicine and a drink called Coca Cola after the Coca plant. By the mid 1900s, suspicion grew that cocaine was addictive, so it was made illegal, and it was not readily available, so use dwindled.

Then  in 1974 the New York Times Magazine touted cocaine as a way to get high without needles or addiction, a 1975 book on cocaine said that it was a good drug, and Newsweek Magazine ran illustrations  of stylish men and women doing lines of cocaine, comparing it to champagne and caviar. Well, who wouldn’t love some cocaine?

And here we go back to Pablo Escobar’s “to do” list. Suddenly cocaine was “stylish and non-addictive” and so a demand was created, the warnings from the past were ignored, and demand exploded.

Item 2 on Pablo Escobar’s To Do List: Make $50 Billion. Pablo Escobar, who had been a minor criminal, now entered the smuggling business, expanded production and transshipping points, began paying off or murdering judges, police officers and politicians, and supply met demand and demand just kept growing. Turns out that cocaine is highly addictive, contrary to what was said in the New York Times Magazine, so everyone craved the next line of the drug. As a result, Escobar became one of the richest men in the world, worth an estimated $56 billion by 1990 at today’s exchange rate.

Item 3 on Pablo Escobar’s To Do List: Take Over the Country. In 1982, Escobar – who as part of his public relations campaign, gave money and soccer fields to the poor as well as greasing the palms of officials – was elected an alternate member of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia , and became one of the most powerful men in the world. He controlled many public officials, ordered assassinations, sponsored terrorist attacks, paid townspeople for being lookouts and gave bonuses for killing police officers. He and his Medellin Cartel were unstoppable for a time.

Pablo Escobar’s Mistakes: However, Escobar made some mistakes, including causing the violent deaths of 20,000 people, and thousands more from addiction and crime, and he himself was murdered at age 44.


Now let’s take up BigPharma, those giant pharmaceutical companies around the world. First, BigPharma invented the street drugs we’ve been trying to just say no to. Big pharma created heroin (Bayer) and LSD (Sandoz). Merck pioneered the commercial manufacture of morphine, distributed cocaine and invented MDMA. OxyContin which started the latest “opioid crisis” was created by German scientists and pushed into society by Purdue Pharma. Crystal meth was first created in Japan and after World War II Abbott Laboratories won FDA approval for meth as a remedy for alcoholism and weight gain. Fentanyl, responsible for the majority of opioid overdose deaths, was invented by Janssen Pharmaceutica.

Now one shouldn’t suppose that BigPharma, being corporations and all, and under the regulation of the Food and Drug Administration and supervised by doctors and psychiatrists do anything as crude as Pablo Escobar. No sir, they are legit, they’ve learned a lot from Escobar, as you can see from what follows.

Item 1 on BigPharma’s ToDo List: Get All Americans on Drugs, Rich and Poor.

OK, so now BigPharma has all those addictive drugs just sitting there on the shelves, and so something has to change. So here comes the “To do” list again, this time from BigPharma. And while Escobar was just a two-bit criminal from a small undeveloped country, BigPharma is big, well-heeled, corporate, and from developed countries.

So here goes: First, opioids were being used mostly for severe pain, like terminal cancer, and doctors are very worried about prescribing opioids because of the danger of addiction. So as a result a lot of people are going around without drugs, and that’s got to change. So in 1996 Purdue Pharma ran some ads about a new opioid called Oxycontin that said it was a timed release opioid and was not habit forming, so doctors could feel good about prescribing it for pain. Well, the dam broke and doctors started prescribing it like mad for everything that might be a bit painful. Contrary to what Purdue said, people got addicted, and like all opioids they needed more and more to stay high until they overdosed and died. If their prescriptions ran out they went to the street for something else, like heroin. But all these overdose deaths looked bad and also got rid of users, so BigPharma invented drugs like Narcan and Evzio that block opioids and bring the overdoser back to life.

The psychs played a part in all this by categorizing addiction as a “chronic brain disease” so once you have it, you need treatment the rest of your life. So once you are brought back to life, you are put on other BigPharma drugs in something called “medication assisted treatment” or MAT. As you may recall, cocaine was originally used to treat morphine addiction, so BigPharma took this idea and updated it. Some of the drugs used for MAT include methodone, Buprenorphine  and Naltrexone.

So the more people that die of opioid overdoses, the more everyone wants “treatment rather than prison” which means put the addict on BigPharma’s MAT drugs for the rest off their lives, and that just kicks up the profits, investors clean up,  and everyone that counts is very happy.

The next thing is to use drugs that make you crazy – like LSD and Marijuana – which now has around 35 percent THC instead of the 3 percent it had back in the hippie 1960s – to treat mental illness. Then when you go crazy, you need antidepressants and antipsychotics, as long as we ignore the fact that the drugs you’re being treated with can make you paranoid, make you hallucinate, and make you go nuts and shoot lots of people in schools, churches and Las Vegas music concerts. But I digress.

Lots of states are now legalizing marijuana. George Soros has spent $80 million bankrolling campaigns to legalize weed, and guess what solution is prescribed for cannabis-induced psychosis? (It does cause psychosis in long-term users ) Psychiatric medications of course! And now Washington State and Colorado who were the first states to legalize weed, are at the top of the list in states needing mental health help for all the weed-smoking wackos going bonkers.

Remember the New York Times Magazine articles all aglow about the benefits and non-addiction of cocaine, the happy articles of how cocaine was very fashionable and like champagne and caviar? Well, BigPharma is taking a leaf from Pablo Escobar’s book, or the media are doing it on their own because they are dopers themselves, here are some of the things that are being promoted as good for you:

Psychedelics are now touted as cures for PTSD, depression, addiction, anxiety, eating disorders, smoking, OCD and crime, among others. Wow, what a miracle drug as long as you forget the 1960s. If you can remember the 60s you weren’t there except maybe for the flashbacks. And the military (remember MKULTRA and LSD testing?) is touting ecstasy as a PTSD treatment. It’s miraculous!  And then when you go really crazy on LSD or ecstasy, what’s the treatment? Anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs, anti-psychotic drugs. And with government healthcare it’s not just the rich that get hooked and fucked up, it’s EVERYBODY!

OK, so no matter which addictive or psychosis-inducing drug you get hooked on, no matter if you got hooked on the street or in the doctor’s office, there’s another drug that’s legal that you can get with a prescription that is a “cure” for the drug you took before. And if the first three anti-depressants don’t work, there’s another one that might, and if that doesn’t work there’s always electroshock to turn you into a compliant vegetable so you can be given many many drugs by the nice attendants.

As a result, one in six Americans are on psych medications, from antidepressants to ADHD speed, to every kind of shit under the sun. The FDA — a government agency supposed to be the watchdog– accepts payments from drug companies to fast-track approvals, and the head of the FDA was once a consultant to some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies. And it’s all completely legal, even though half a million people have died of opioid overdoses from 2000-2015! So compared to BigPharma, Pablo Escobar was in kindergarten! So as a people, we’re circling the drain of addiction and a drugged existence, and BigPharma and the headshrinkers that smooth the takeover are making a killing.

Item 2 on BigPharma’s To Do List: Make a LOT of Money: OK, so while Pablo Escobar made a measley $50 billion, BigPharma makes in excess of $1 trillion with a T and half of that comes from the US and Canada.  Now some of that is for real drugs that do good, like asthma medication, heart pills, insulin, and so forth. But  13% of the US population is on antidepressants and 13 percent on prescription opioids, and some 25 million Americans are addicted to illegal drugs.    And with the psychs pushing the idea that everybody is crazy and “underserved,” and with states legalizing weed and Oregon decriminalizing hard drugs and pushing to legalize psychedelics, expect those numbers to grow pretty fast.

Depressed? Sad? Crazy? Too Happy? Impulsive? Can’t sit in a school desk for 8 hours? Legs restless? Have a child that doesn’t mind? Stressed? (Everyone is you know), Can’t read? Trouble in the bedroom? Like computer games too much? Into drugs? Well, if you answered yes to any of these, you are in luck! You or your kid is nuts and needs some drugs and BigPharma has them, and your insurance will probably pay for them. Meanwhile, BigPharma is pulling in a trillion in revenues which is much better than Pablo’s crew, but BigPharma CEOs are not making much, what with the overhead and all. Compensation of the top 20 ranges from a paltry $13 million to only $41 million per year, nowhere near Pablo’s $30 billion per year in personal income, but you know, BigPharma has to keep a low profile, pay off investors and such, while Pablo just shot anybody who got in the way.

OK, so here are the key points: Use one drug to get off another drug, legalize and then flood the country with drugs, hype the opioid crisis, increase funding for “treatment” which is just more drugs, and let users keep using through something called “harm reduction,” in which the government provides clean needles, safe spaces to shoot up, BigPharma provides clean heroin, or meth, or ecstasy, or whatever, and there’s plenty of Narcan and Evzio around to treat overdoses, and those drugs are all free to users. You try to get users into treatment, or course, with BigPharma MAT drugs and everything is rosy. Pablo would approve.

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Electricity and the Deep Brain Stimulation Medicine Show

brainMedicine shows of decades gone by promised their snake oil could cure everything and promoted dangerous drugs like opium to calm children and cocaine for toothache. Asthma cigarettes promised relief from asthma, bad breath, hay fever, bronchial irritation, colds, canker sores, and “all diseases of the throat.” Bayer sold heroin for aches and pains, and amphetamines and tapeworm larvae were sold as weight-loss remedies.

Electricity is the modern snake oil, but electricity and people don’t mix very well, which is why parents tell kids not to stick a butter knife in the light socket.

When I was a kid, growing up on a dairy, we took our city cousins down to the electric fence and have them touch it. It was fun to see them get shocked. My brother and I always tried to get them to pee on the fence but the cousins always got suspicious when they saw the looks on our faces and we never got any takers. The point is we knew electricity hurt, was punishing and even cows avoided it. I wish to apologize to my cousins and anyone who fell for our electricity trick, and bring up a kind of electricity that is supposed to be good for you.

Today something called deep brain stimulation is supposed to cure all kinds of things such as:

Sexual predation
Memory Loss
Tourette’s Syndrome
Parkinson’s Disease
Epilepsy and Movement Disorders

Now if all this turns out to be today’s snake oil — and IMHO it is — and all else fails, psychiatrists can just just pour the juice to the head the old fashioned way, shock the hell out of the person and roll the dice, after all, this isn’t rocket science. Hey, you may roll a seven, or the guy could – like Ernest Hemingway did after 15 electroshocks – put a shotgun in his mouth and blow the top of his head off. Certainly ended his mental issues.

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Deep Brain Stimulation, LSD and Other Fake Cure-Alls

greed pixabayMaybe you’ve noticed lately that “scientific research shows” that electricity and LSD cures almost everything. There are many factors pushing this stupidity, among which are:

  1. Pharmaceutical company miracle cures such as antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs don’t cure anything and don’t work any better than placebos.
  2. Those miracle cures have side effects such as mass shootings and suicide.
  3. Those miracle cures are being replaced by generics thus threatening the $1 trillion (with a T) BigPharma revenues.
  4. Scientific research” isn’t very scientific, as it is influenced by vested interests which either show that BigPharma works or are quietly disposed of, and can’t be replicated when done objectively.
  5. So BigPharma, loaded with jewels and treasure, is hopping off the sinking USS Antidepressant, and onto the luxury yacht “PsychoWire” powered by deep brain stimulation and psychedelics.

First, Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) puts electrodes into the brain at various places. When the current is turned on, fingers tap, legs jerk, faces twitch, a charging bull screeches to a stop. Supposedly, depression departs, autism and anxiety evaporate, Parkinson’s stops and such diseases as diabetes, asthma, COPD, arthritis, heart conditions, and gastrointestinal diseases are cured. One variety called “electroceuticals” is pioneered by GlaxoSmithKline, the same company that in 2012 paid $3 billion to the Department of Justice for fraud, phony research studies and pushing drugs off label for kids even though those drugs increased suicides in kids. Nice ethical company has your best interests at heart, let them put some wires in your head, right? Oh and the $3 billion was small change. Right after their $3 billion payout, their stock went up, didn’t even make a dent in the stock price. So they can cheat, steal etc. and even if they’re caught, so what?

  1. Deep brain stimulation was already used in the CIA’s MKULTRA mind-control project in the 1950s. That was secret, but even though CIA Director Richard Helms tried to burn all records of the project, he missed some and the project was exposed. The military was worried about North Korean brainwashing and secretly funded research to keep up with the communists. Today the military is funding electroceutical research this time out in front of God and everybody, because it is camouflaged as help for PTSD, crazy people, etc. But hey, it’s the military, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
  2. There’s another kind of electrical stimulation of the brain called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) kind of a little sister to implanting wires in the head. It has the advantage of being non-invasive, meaning it’s stealthy and doesn’t require the operator to drill through the skull which can sometimes be detected by the person. So it could be hooked up to a doorframe and magnetically stimulate the brains of anybody coming through the door. Make you buy BigPharma stock, or vote to raise taxes for psychiatric research.
  3. And then of course there’s the nuclear option when it comes to electricity and brains, just give the person electroshock, roll the dice and maybe the person will be so stunned he’ll forget to be nuts, or he might – as Ernest Hemingway did after 15 electroshocks – go home and put a shotgun in his mouth and blow his head off. These days they give muscle relaxants so not so many teeth or spines are broken. It’s a kindler-gentler type of electroshock but it causes brain damage and that – like suicide – brings on many changes.

And Then There’s Psychedelics

Have you noticed the promotion of psychedelics recently? Since most Baby Boomer druggies can’t remember the 1960s, many have forgotten – except in vivid flashbacks – the downside of dropping acid and lots of other psychedelic concoctions. Little things like hallucinations and going nuts for a while or forever, and “scorched brain syndrome.”

Timothy Leary told us to “turn on, tune in and drop out,” but later said that LSD got into the public arena and was abused. Poor guy, he had it all figured out that it would only be used by PhDs and above, and then the unwashed masses got hold of it and used it to hallucinate. The CIA used it to drive soldiers crazy and to suicide, and stupid people who grew up watching Superman thought they could fly off tall buildings wearing meat bodies.

OK, so that was then. Today we also have stupid people – who exist in every generation – telling us that LSD, Ahuasca, DMT and other psychedelic substances can cure addictionPTSDdepression,   anxietyeating disorders,smoking, OCDcrime, toe fungus, warts,  and every other mental illness formerly treated by pharmaceuticals which have proven ineffective or for which the patents have expired.

But using LSD, for example on those with mental illness can make things worse, according to some sources Stupid people in academia — there are such people, after all Leary was a Harvard professor –  in the military, medicine, psychiatry and government seem to have decided that psychedelics, electroshock and mental health pharmaceuticals are useful, at least to the extent that “we don’t know why they are troubled, and we don’t know what these treatments do, so we’ll just roll the dice, blast their brains  with electricity or pickle them with drugs and see what happens. After all, this isn’t rocket science.”

So a bunch of states have legalized marijuana for medical use, and eight states have legalized it for recreational use. And as evidence it is truly a “gateway drug” small amounts of hard drugs have now been decriminalized in Oregon – stuff like  LSD, heroin, methamphetamine, etc, and initiatives are under way in California  and Oregon to legalize psychedelic mushrooms.

Now the The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies  (MAPS) is also trying to legalize psychedelics and marijuana, and other stupid people are already hard at work on legislation to legalize bad trips and drug-induced psychosis. With all these extravagant claims for psychedelics, these magical mystery cures, one might be advised to consider where these wild claims are coming from and who stands to profit from a nation on drugs.

After all, most of the studies, that all these reports of wonderfulness depend on, can’t be reproduced, meaning they are either sloppy or influenced by their funding to get a specific result. So look for yourself and don’t go dropping acid to cheer up, because you may end up stuck in Nightmare Town with a lot of burnouts from the 1960s.

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Psychiatry in the Cause of Totalitarian Control

The paper: “Falun Gong and the Politics of Psychiatry” in the International Bulletin of Political Psychology looks at psychiatry as a tool of repressive regimes, focusing on China’s incarceration of Falun Gong member in psychiatric hospitals. “This ideology,” says the paper’s introduction,” is a handy vehicle for leaders seeking to remain in power during various policy disasters on a continuum from the democratic to the totalitarian.

“The institution has been intentionally and cynically used to punish political opponents through applying psychiatric practices that are most replete with noxious consequences — e.g., ECT, psychotropic medications with severe extrapyramidal and anticholinergic side-effects, and incarceration in extremely austere and dangerous environments. It is the last — intentional and cynical punishment — that most riles those who critique the institution of psychiatry. Thus the current furor about members of the Falun Gong being involuntarily detained in psychiatric hospitals within the People’s Republic of China (PRC).”

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Military Mind Control Chips — What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Soldier PixabayThe U.S. military is testing mind control chips on humans. The chips can supposedly sense a mood disorder and “shock the brain” back into normalcy. Might be somewhat useful, since the Army is now accepting mental cases as soldiers. Take unstable people, give them weapons, teach them to kill, expose them to the stress of combat, shock their brains a few times — what could possibly go wrong?

The last time the U.S. did something as psychotic as this, was in a project called MKULTRA. You may have heard of it. Killed an elephant with LSD, drove a guy named Olsen to suicide, implanted electrodes in veterans’ brains to control their bodies, all kinds of crazy experimentation. The purpose, according to the U.S. Supreme Court, was mind control, and here we go again, down the rabbit hole.

This just in: The FDA has opened the door to screwing around with LSD and other psychedelics, the Army is filling soldiers with speed, and is experimenting with genetics to engineer supersoldiers.

So picture unstable drugged-up soldiers with electronics in their heads wielding superweapons. It’s like some really bad sci-fi story, only this is real.

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Psychedelics Are Back, and They Cure Everything!

freakout pixabayHave you noticed the promotion of psychedelics recently? Since most Baby Boomer druggies can’t remember the 1960s, many have forgotten – except in vivid flashbacks – the downside of dropping acid and lots of other psychedelic concoctions. Little things like hallucinations and going nuts for a while or forever, and “scorched brain syndrome.”

Timothy Leary told us to “turn on, tune in and drop out,” but later said that LSD got into the public arena and was abused. Poor guy, he had it all figured out that it would only be used by PhDs and above, and then the unwashed masses got hold of it and used it to hallucinate. The CIA used it to drive soldiers crazy and to suicide, and stupid people who grew up watching Superman thought they could fly off tall buildings wearing meat bodies.

OK, so that was then. Today we also have stupid people – who exist in every generation – telling us that LSD, Ahuasca, DMT and other psychedelic substances can cure addiction, PTSD, depression,   anxiety, eating disorders, smoking, OCD, crime, toe fungus, warts,  and every other mental illness formerly treated by pharmaceuticals which have proven ineffective or for which the patents have expired.

But using LSD, for example on those with mental illness can make things worse, according to some sources Stupid people in academia — there are such people, after all Leary was a Harvard professor –  in the military, medicine, psychiatry and government seem to have decided that psychedelics, electroshock and mental health pharmaceuticals are useful, at least to the extent that “we don’t know why they are troubled, and we don’t know what these treatments do, so we’ll just roll the dice, blast their brains  with electricity or pickle them with drugs and see what happens. After all, this isn’t rocket science.”

So a bunch of states have legalized marijuana for medical use, and eight states have legalized it for recreational use. And as evidence it is truly a “gateway drug” small amounts of hard drugs have now been decriminalized in Oregon – stuff like  LSD, heroin, methamphetamine, etc, and initiatives are under way in California  and Oregon to legalize psychedelic mushrooms.

Now the The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies  (MAPS) is also trying to legalize psychedelics and marijuana, and other stupid people are already hard at work on legislation to legalize bad trips and drug-induced psychosis. With all these extravagant claims for psychedelics, these magical mystery cures, one might be advised to consider where these wild claims are coming from and who stands to profit from a nation on drugs.

After all, most of the studies, that all these reports of wonderfulness depend on, can’t be reproduced, meaning they are either sloppy or influenced by their funding to get a specific result. So look for yourself and don’t go dropping acid to cheer up, because you may end up stuck in Nightmare Town with a lot of burnouts from the 1960s.

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188 Electrodes + Juice = Hallucinations

SkullIf you like hallucinations, this is the treatment for you. Implant 188 electrodes in your brain, turn on the juice and you too could see phantom faces on everything.  But don’t drive while hallucinating, as it’s better to see reality through the windshield. More screwing around with brains and electricity, don’t try this at home, or anywhere else.

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