Posts tagged - ADHD

The Drug Addiction Crisis is Your Fault

Uncle Sam PixabayBy now, everyone is convinced we are in a drug-addiction crisis, and there’s plenty of blame to go around. Such as pharmaceutical companies that invented street drugs to begin with. Bayer once touted heroin for headaches,  Abbott Labs promoted methamphetamine as a remedy for alcoholism, Sandoz invented LSD, Merc invented morphine, distributed cocaine, and invented MDMA, and Purdue convinced doctors to prescribe OxyCodone for pain by assuring them that chances of addiction were very slim. And we can blame the doctors who ignored evidence to the contrary.

We can point the finger at pharmacies that order thousands more opioids than will be needed and fill prescriptions far above what makes sense. Pharmaceutical distributors that ignore huge orders for opioids from small pharmacies, and pressure legislators to pass bills that make the DEA impotent to enforce existing rules. DEA and FDA executives who jump ship to work for big pharma at huge increases in salary so they can help build strategies to circumvent legal restrictions on their activities. Psychiatrists and physicians who take money from big pharma and go on to promote medication assisted treatment not for detoxification, but as a permanent opioid-fueled future which will benefit pharmaceutical firms and their stockholders, who put addicts on naloxone and methadone which is much harder to detox than heroin, but has the advantage of diverting money from the street drug dealer to the pharmaceutical drug dealers and their investors. The pharmaceutical companies who invent drugs to block addiction to all but their own drugs, that block death on the street and then – aping the strategies of the most venial drug pushers – raise the prices multiple times, crying that “shortages exist, you’d better hurry!” Correctional institutions who embrace medication assisted treatment to medicate inmates instead of using incarceration as a period of drying out for later life, and did anyone mention investors in big pharma stocks because wow, riches await from more and more addicts using more and more pharmaceuticals?

And there’s plenty of blame for all those judges, doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists who help close the gap between prescription drugs and street drugs. For the military exhuming the abominations of MKULTRA by experimenting on those with PTSD, trying a little of this LSD, a little of that marijuana, some wires in the brain – who knows? We might find a way to create a new and better Manchurian Candidate, make robots out of soldiers, make mass murderers out of troubled spirits. And we can blame “non-profit organizations” like the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, who are spurring interest in using drugs to swap neuroses for outright insanity, organizations who secretly channel millions to legalize marijuana, to companies like Coca-Cola which once contained cocaine for a little boost, which is now going back to its roots, putting marijuana in its product. We can blame the legislators who get swept along in this tsunami of cash and influence, passing bills and listening to drug pushers in suits who convince them that it’s all good, and “here’s a little donation for your next campaign.” Psychiatrists who contend that everyone is basically nuts, so a little drug, a little electroshock, a little wire in the brain certainly couldn’t make you any worse…

But for all the blame to hand around, what about you? Do you know people who have their kids on speed (called ADHD medication by the shrinks)? Do you have a family member who is using marijuana or drinking too much? Are you on an anti-depressant because you feel bad sometimes? Do you get drunk on the weekends to unwind, or smoke a little weed, because after all, it’s legal now? Is your aged mother on “happy pills” so she won’t complain so much about the food, the loss of independence, the minimum-wage helpers telling her what to do in her assisted living facility? Do you nod sympathetically at people who start every conversation with “I’m ADHD” or “Since I was diagnosed with PTSD,” or “I’ve been depressed for some time now.”?

So what are you doing to help make things better? Is it all too big for you? Are you just one person? Are you in agreement with those who try to make addicts poor victims of the system? Who say that addiction, mental illness, criminality is all just a brain disease, not a choice, that we are all just victims of circumstance? We should all just go down the drain together and let the greatest country the world has ever seen evaporate like bong smoke.

Well, grow a pair why don’t you? Do something useful. Someone says. “I’ve got ADHD,” you can retort, “Who gave you that idea?” Someone says “I’m on an anti-depressant,” you can reply “What can you do to handle the situation that’s depressing you?” Someone says “marijuana is legal now, so it’s fine,” you say “So now the government has your best interests – and the taxes on weed – at heart?” Be blunt, invalidate those stupid ideas and self-victimization. Stigma is a good thing – it might help deter a kid thinking about drinking, or using meth or shooting up. Might keep him or her from ending up as a shit-stained twist of laundry in an alley somewhere, or a numbed-out methadone or pharmaceutical junkie for the rest of his or her life.

Do you vote a straight Democratic or Republican ticket, because you’re too lazy to read the voter guide? Or just not vote because there’s nothing you can do about it? Find out who’s taking money from big pharma, from the American Psychiatric Association, from the American Medical Association, the PACs and special interests and vote against them. Vote for those you think might not be in step with a stupider society.

Support religion and spiritual awareness and don’t fall for the efforts to pit one group against another. Support groups that help families, that repair marriages, that support kids and adoption and good education and a prosperous future – and beware of the “everybody-will-agree-with-this” PR and feel-good empty words of the campaign trail. Evaluate the politically correct movements to see if they lead to a better life and a better society, if they do, join, and if they don’t, oppose them even if you get hammered for it on social media.

There’s an old statement to the effect that “You get the government you deserve.” Look at what we’re getting and take some responsibility for it. It’s up to you not to your neighbors or your representatives. The left, the right, the middle, all political stripes have their own agendas, their own railroad tracks leading to their own little utopias. Do you want to travel with them? They make it easy, and they will appeal to your stupider self that thinks life consists of food, sleep and sex, and getting high can handle the rest, all funded by insurance, by taxes on “the fat-cat one percent” or the tiny fines on multi-billion-dollar drug firms.

So what can you do? Join up with effective organizations fighting stupidity and drug-induced dreaming not doing. Check out Foundation for a Drug-Free World, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights and other effective anti-drug and anti-stupidity groups. Sure, the organizations I mentioned above are related to the Church of Scientology, and all the crap you’ve heard about Scientology? It’s a measure of just how effective these organizations are in enlightening people on the drug and psychiatric agenda. Those lies and smears in the media? A badge of honor. If they were ineffective, they would be ignored by the psych-drug-media cartel, or perhaps even supported by it.

OK, so this mess is not all your fault, but if everyone woke up and went into action, this drugged-up country could reboot and get back to some basic principles. There are 21 of those principles, and here’s a link to them. Good luck.

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Stress, Confront and Drugs

confidence pixabayStress comes about through not facing something that needs facing. Confront is a good term, one definition means “to face without flinching or avoiding.” That which you can face, you can handle. Let’s say someone at work is giving you a hard time, and you try to be nice, but no dice, the hard times continue with that person attempting to undermine you, trip you up, point out your failings.

Stress builds up, you avoid that person, feel nervous or angry when he or she is around, etc. Go to a psych and you’ll be given some kind of medication.

Confronting, on the other hand, would most likely mean you walk up to that person and ask what’s up, why are they giving you a hard time? At that precise moment, you have gone from being effect, to being cause, and even if the person attacks you verbally, you are going to feel better. You stood up to them, you’ve pushed through whatever obstacles that stood in your way, gone “outside your comfort zone,” and changed the game.

Recently, many women have begun to confront the fact that men have abused them. They felt in some cases that they couldn’t face their abusers or take them to task — for inappropriate behavior, or even rape in some cases — as it would harm their careers, look like they participated, embroil them in ugly court cases, etc. Now it is all coming out, the confront is on, and while the accused are innocent until proved guilty, it looks like things are changing in the sexual harassment front. Women are speaking out.

Bullying bothers parents, and they get very upset when their children are bullied. They change schools, put the kids on anti-depressants, etc. That’s not confront, that’s backing off, and that is bound to increase stress. Only facing up to the perpetrator will put one at cause.

When I was in third grade, my father sent me over to a neighbor who had been a boxer. He had two kids about my age, and taught us to fight. Martial arts training is a good thing for kids to learn. Cowardice only makes one a target of the bullies, and even if they are bigger, standing up to them is the only way to gain any space or grudging respect.

And by the way, most martial arts don’t encourage aggression.  If you have the skills to defend yourself, you are more able to confront the bully. If necessary you can defend yourself, but it’s not usually necessary. Someone standing up to a bully is often enough to cause the bully to back off and look for another, less self-assured target. However, in these days of gangs and drug-induced psychosis, running away may be the most sane thing to do, but with self assurance it can be a decision rather than a frightened reaction and that makes a big difference.

The danger comes in not facing something or someone. Hiding out from a bill collector rather than looking for a second job, telling everyone, “I’m dyslexic” instead of buckling down and learning to read.

OK, right about now I can imagine some protests that dyslexia, ADHD, ADD etc. etc. are real disorders. But assuming they were real, who would make the best progress, the person who throws up his hands says he has this brain disorder and there’s nothing he can do except take his medication, or the person who does whatever he can to overcome it?

I hear people quite often in social settings say that were diagnosed with depression, or dyslexia or they have an eating disorder, etc. etc. Why do they announce it to people in a social setting? Probably because they have incorporated that supposed disability into the way they define themselves – it is part of how they see themselves. And at the exact moment they make that decision, they have crippled themselves by agreeing to that disabled label.

In a talk-only counseling session, that’s a different matter, and those statements can be very helpful to the process. But announcing some disability in a social setting is not helpful and is an invalidation of self.

Depending on your view of life, religion or philosophical background, one might look at human beings  as the tip of a long line of genetic and spiritual development, living in a time of great efforts to ensure fairness and equality, in perhaps the most affluent society the world has ever known. And yet you see bedraggled men and women with exaggerated limps looking for handouts at traffic lights carrying signs appealing for money, sleeping under bridges wrapped in garbage bags as if they were human garbage.

Nobody is perfect, and there are sick and insane people struggling to survive, but most likely you aren’t one of them, so stop acting like it.

If somebody told you that you were stupid, you would probably get angry, and tell them off. But if you go into agreement with some diagnosis of mental disability, you must have decided “Yes, there’s something wrong with me, it explains why I can’t do things, and I should just give up and take my meds.”

That’s the problem with psychology and psychiatry, they have the basic belief that everyone is mentally ill or disabled, and if you find yourselves in their hands expect to be given a prescription and a gold-plated excuse to not confront something.

This “disabled stuff” is an invitation to curl up and die. Pride in oneself is not a bad thing, it is much more you than humility, self-invalidation and a self-endorsed disability. If you look at life as a game, an adventure, a spiritual quest, you won’t be far wrong.

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Hillary Clinton: Teach Reading, Writing and Mental Health

Hillary ClintonHillary Clinton wants a nationwide curriculum to teach depression and anxiety in high schools, according to Modern Healthcare. New York is already plowing ahead on mental health, as last year Gov. Cuomo already mandated the inclusion of  mental health issues in the curriculum.

But hold on a minute. Already, 3.4 million New York State residents are functionally illiterate  – many the product of dysfunctional public schools. But many schools now provide food, counseling, contraception, “life skills” like cooperation, self-control, motivation, and other so-called “soft skills.” And next year they begin training on mental health. Perhaps if public schools taught reading, writing and arithmetic really well, students would become literate and productive adults, and wouldn’t need to be medicated with psych drugs.

Because, you see, all this talk about mental health for children is nothing more than a marketing scheme to get them on  psychiatric pharmaceuticals, so those BigPharma CEOs can get even richer.

In 2013, around 8 million school kids were on psychiatric drugs  but there are still lots of kids out there who are “underserved” as they say, and Teenscreen for example, was funded by BigPharma and designed to get kids on stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall and  into the psychiatric pill-mill.

Education is already a mile wide and an inch deep, a swamp of social programming and political correctness. There are good teachers out there, but the social agenda is against them. Homeschooling, charter schools, check them out and whatever you do, keep your kids away from the psychs!

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Adult-Onset ADHD? Not

A recent study says that adult-onset ADHD is probably very rare or non-existent. According to a story in the NYTimes, psychiatrists had previously estimated that up to 10 percent of adults had the disorder. Instead of ADHD, researchers found most cases caused by marijuana use or mood disorders.

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Five Tips to Help Your Child with “Attention Deficit”

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights recently educated parents on how to help children with “attention deficit” issues without the use of harmful drugs. The “lunch and learn” seminar was held at the Nashville Church of Scientology.

Dr. David Morris of Magnolia Medical Center gave a presentation covering five simple ways a parent can help their child overcome attention issues and achieve better mental health in general:

1) Make sure the child has good nutrition
2) Correct any vitamin or nutrient deficiencies
3) Discover and eliminate any food from their diets that they may be sensitive to
4) See that they get proper exercise
5) Get the help they need to study properly, so their attention isn’t so easily hijacked by other things when they are sitting in class.

“I’m not telling you it will be easy to change their diet or make sure they don’t play video games all day, but it’s worth it to help them achieve a better state of mental health,” said Dr. Morris in a release. He pointed out that the psychotropic drugs prescribed to children for attention difficulties have very dangerous side effects, so getting these five points applied is worth the effort.


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How to Get All Americans on Drugs

The problem we psychiatrists and pharmaceutical CEOs face is how to hook more than 323 million people in the United States.  Those 323 million people are living their lives and many don’t realize they should be on drugs. Fortunately, one in six are already taking psychoactive drugs, so the problem might not be so tough after all. That leaves some 270 million more to go. And a year ago, ABC News reported that: 21.5 million people aged 12 and older had a substance use disorder in 2014.

OK, so that leaves about 248 million total that aren’t on regular psychoactive drugs. About 40,000 people died last year of opioid overdoses, so that helps trim the odds, but it’s a slow process, and about 4 million babies were born in the same period, and even though from .06 percent to .34 percent of them were born addicted to opioids, they keep arriving and most are born clean. Luckily, kids – especially boys – don’t like to sit still and thus they drive teachers crazy, so we put at least 10 percent of the teachers on antidepressants and about 11 percent of children aged 4-17 are on ADHD drugs. As they get older, well, you know how teenagers love drugs!

By the time they get to be teenagers, 15 percent have all the indicators of lifetime alcohol abusers, and 16 percent are confirmed drug abusers. But even though drugs are easy for them to access — 81 percent have the opportunity to use illicit substances, unfortunately only about 42.5 percent actually tried them. So we’ve got to do better at getting them to try drugs, and then lace them with opioids or Fentanyl to make those kids permanent users.

Once we’ve got those low-hanging fruit, though, the tough part starts, and we need a plan, as there’s a lot of people still resisting psychoactive drugs and cutting into our profits and our control. Medical offices are doing their part, asking patients if they have pain and prescribing heavy opioids for it. But “the opioid crisis” as the whiners call it, is giving opioids a bad name. Luckily we’ve got “direct to consumer” ads for prescription drugs so that bumped our sales up 30 percent or more, but we’ve got a lot more to do. So the next step is a bit of a detour, but stay with me, it will all make sense in a moment.

The first step is to legalize street drugs, starting with marijuana. About 20 states have legalized it for medical use which is pretty easy to establish for most people. “Ow! My back hurts,” is about all it takes. Eight states have legalized marijuana for recreational use, and there’s not much push-back on it, surprisingly. Luckily, parents and grandparents from the 1960s – who smoked weed with 1-3 percent THC – don’t realize that the THC in these new varieties can be as high as 37 percent. And very bright marijuana dispensaries are putting THC in gummy bears, cookies, candy and berry smoothies, to draw in the younger crowd.

The next step is to legalize heroin, methamphetamine, etc. Now if you don’t think that’s possible, hold on to your hat. Oregon has already decriminalized possession of small amounts,  and a California ballot measure would legalize psychedelic mushrooms, and that’s just the beginning.

So with marijuana legalized, opioids all over the place, the next step is something called “Harm Reduction.” This is where we really scoop up the undrugged. Here’s how it sounds, goes something like this: “The war on drugs is lost, you can’t keep people off drugs, the kids are going to experiment, so we might as well legalize everything, and make it safe to use. Give the kids clean needles, drugs that aren’t laced with other stuff, give them a safe place to use. Kids are going to experiment, so let’s make it safe for them to do so. Keep government out of things we do to our own bodies, follow the libertarian ideal, use drugs if you want. Stuff like meth that makes you crazy, well just be careful, you know.”

So here’s our opportunity. Drugs are going to hook millions of people. Couple shots of meth and bang! We have a psycho who needs lifelong maintenance care. Kids on opioids just trippin’ away, everybody smoking powerful weed. We’re already discovering – surprise surprise – that marijuana use causes psychosis, which should bring in lots of visits to psychiatry, during which they can prescribe “Medication Assisted Treatment” or MAT. So what you do with MAT is switch the user from an opioid or meth or weed to methadone, buprenorphine or naltrexone. Those are legal drugs that we manufacture, and with the Affordable Care Act’s parity between physical and mental health, it’s all paid for by the taxpayers. And by the way, methadone is super addictive as well, and the psychiatrists have deemed drug dependence an illness that is lifelong,  so we have a lifetime income for every customer we treat.

But now comes the beautiful part. Our pharmaceutical companies can now produce ecstasy, heroin, oxycontin, methamphetamine, codeine, all that lovely stuff. We’re all rigged up to produce billions of pills, and make trillions of dollars, and we are all legal, so people trust our products. Then we drop the prices to squeeze out all the other competitors, then we own the drug business, and almost all of those 323 million people are our customers, paying us trillions of dollars.

But wait, there’s more! With all those overdoses, we also have a drug for that! Evzio, for example, will save those dying of overdoses, and costs $4,500/dose. With everyone on opioids, every first responder, cop, teacher, parent, doctor, nurse, bartender, drill sargeant, minister is going to need one! Bonanza!

Right now, in 2017, BigPharma — I think we’re justified in calling ourselves that, don’t you? — BigPharma is making more than $1 trillion a year in revenue on drugs, with a 21 percent profit margin, and some 7,000 new drugs in development. Oh sure, we have our detractors, the Scientologists, drug abuse organizations, parents, law enforcement, but we alone practically support the media networks with direct to consumer drug ads, we support state and local governments with taxes on drug sales, and in a few years we will run this country. We’ve been spreading lies about Scientology since 1950, but more needs to be done.

Pablo Escobar controlled the government of Colombia with cocaine drug money, but he’s small potatoes compared to what we will do to Planet Earth! Viva Farmaceutico! Viva Psiquiatria! Viva Mucho Dinero!

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