Writer meeting Nov. 14, 2014

Writer meeting Nov. 14, 2014

On Nov 14, I held an e-book publishing seminar at the River Park Mission on Marconi, going through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) step by step. We also looked at the Kindle Scout program, in which a writer can submit an unpublished novel. If it’s accepted, then Amazon gives it a page, and opens it for voting. The books with the most votes are offered a publishing contract. Obviously helps a writer get some exposure. You need an Amazon account to vote, (free) so that’s the business end of the program.

Mary Tinat explained some of the technical requirements of putting photos/artwork into an e-book. She’s doing a vegetarian cookbook which will include photos, so she’s been researching the subject. A number of people couldn’t attend on the 19th, so I’ll schedule another one to be held on a weekend. Any questions, email me at wehanson@aol.com